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2016 TAPPS DIV III State Champs

2015-2016 Varsity Men's Soccer
Senior Night 2017 Men's Basketball
Senior Class of 2017 STE MBB


Welcome Letter From Athletic Director
DEVELOPING LEADERS THROUGH ATHLETICS Welcome to Saint Thomas’ Episcopal School athletics. Our sports programs are a great way for students to enjoy the spirit of competition in a safe, structured environment, while using their talents for the glory of God. Aside from gaining fundamental athletic skills, students learn the value of practice, preparation and perseverance, how to work together to achieve a common goal and how to succeed and fail with grace. They’ll learn that the process is more important than the outcome, and take with them intangible skills that will benefit them in all areas of life. Together, as parents, guardians and coaches, we will work together to inspire student athletes to live as leaders and disciples of Christ. I will do my very best to lead by example by being responsive to any inquiries or issues that arise. Your support, and attendance at your child(s) games are most influential to their motivation, perceived competence and overall e
More About Welcome Letter From Athletic Director
How to Create Fan Account
Parents, We are providing you information on how to create a fan account so you can receive the emails and text messages from coaches regarding your students team information. CREATING A FAN ACCOUNT To create a fan account click "Create an Account" at the bottom of the "Email Alerts & Fan Login" box on the home page of your school's website as shown below. Once you have clicked "Create an account" you will be taken to a screen that looks like the one below. On this screen you must fill in all of the information about yourself that is requested. When you have entered all of the appropriate information, including the security code that you must copy from the red box, click "Sign Up" at the bottom of the screen. Once you have clicked "Sign Up" you will be taken to your fan dashboard where you can update your: Fan Account Information Favorites/Alerts Content
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Calculate Your Admissions Chances (Brought to you by CollegeVine)
Interesting News Headlines From Guest AuthorsSee where you stand in the competitive college application process. Explore your chances of acceptance at every college based on your extracurriculars, intended major, background and more. Calculate my chances
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MS Swimming Records
CoEd Middle School Swimming200 Yard Medley Relay BOYS: Jackson Herrscher, Josh McLean, Ethan Tyler, Paul Houston 100 yard Medley Relay BOYS: Grayson Singer, Jackson Herrscher, Zachary Hutton, Josh McLean 200 yard Freestyle Relay BOYS: Grayson Singer, Jackson Herrscher, Zachary Hutton, Josh McLean 100 yard Medley Relay GIRLS: Carissa Chapa, Lucy McLean, Kathryn Schwartz, Ashley Tice In terms of individual swim records: Kathryn Schwartz: 100 yard Individual Medley (IM) 50/100 yard freestyle 50 yard butterfly Josh McLean: 100 yard Individual Medley (IM) 50 yard backstroke 50 yard breaststroke Ethan Tyler: 50 yard butterfly
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